Grŵp Trawsbleidiol ar Diabetes

Cross Party Group on Diabetes

28.06.23. 12:30 – 13:30

Ty Hywel & Hybrid


Cadeirydd | Chair: Jayne Bryant MS

Is Cadeirydd | Vice Chair Rhun ap Iorwerth MS

Ysgrifennydd | Secretary:  Diabetes UK Cymru, Mathew Norman, Deputy Director




·         Jayne Bryant MS Chair

·         Peredur Griffiths MS

·         Mike Hedges MS

·         Joel James MS (Vice Chair Elected)

·         Mathew Norman, DUK Cymru, Secretariat

·         Rachel Burr, DUK Cymru

·         Dr Julia Platts

·         Christine Cotterell-Morgan

·         Rob Lee, Vice Chair of AWDPRG

·         Chelsea Fraser (Office of Jayne Bryant MS)


Note: Technical Issues during the session, virtual attendance cannot be confirmed and members of the CPG who wished to join were unable to due to a Microsoft Teams Glitch. This resulted in the Agenda primarily focusing on the AGM.


Proposed Agenda, items crossed not reached.


Time | Amser




1.      Cyflwyniadau

1.      Introductions


2.      Materion yn codi o'r cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd yn Ebrill

2.      Matters arising from April 2023 meeting   


3.      CCB

3.      AGM


4.      Cyflwyniad Diabetes UK Cymru ar Datganiad Ansawdd Diabetes a'r ymgynghoriad Amgylcheddau Bwyd Cadarnhaol yn ddiweddar.

4.      Presentation from Diabetes UK Cymru on the Quality Statement and the recent Positive Food Environments consultation.   


5.      C&A

5.      Q&A    


6.      UFA

6.      AOB


7.      Cau

7.      Close


1.      Cyflwyniadau | Introductions (5 min)


·         Ymddiheuriadau

·         Cyflwyniad cyflym gan fynychwyr.


Roedd materion technegol yn atal sawl aelod rhag mynychu'r cyfarfod ar lein, gan gynnwys Jenny Rathbone AS a Joel James AS.

·         Apologies

·         Quick introduction by attendees.  


Technical issues prevented several members from attending virtually, including Jenny Rathbone MS and Joel James MS.


2.      Materion yn codi o'r cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd yn Ebrill 2023|Matters arising from April 2023 Meeting (5 min)


·         Diolch i Joel James AS am sefyll i mewn fel Cadeirydd; cytunwyd fel grŵp i ysgrifennu neu dynnu sylw'r Gweinidog priodol at y pryderon ynghylch cyllid ar gyfer rhaglen SEREN. Cytunwyd ag aelodau Rhaglen SEREN y byddai Joel James AS yn codi hyn yn y Siambr. Yr ymateb a roddwyd oedd y byddai cyllid pellach yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn y Datganiad Ansawdd Diabetes.

·         Dogfen ymgynghori ffurfiol wedi'i hysgrifennu ar gyfer yr ymchwiliad. Bydd y ddogfen yn cael ei dosbarthu er mwyn casglu ymatebion dros yr haf. I'w gymeradwyo gan y Grŵp ar gyfer dosbarthu.

·         Thanks to Joel James MS for stepping in as Chair; we agreed as a group to either write or bring to attention to the appropriate Minister the concerns around funding for the SEREN programme. It was agreed with the members of the SEREN Programme that Joel James MS would raise this in the Siambr. The response given was that further funding would be announced in the Quality Statement of Diabetes.

·         Formal Consultation document written for the inquiry. The document will be circulated with stakeholders for responses to be collated over the summer. To be approved by CPG for distribution.


3.      CCB | AGM (10 min)


·         Myfyrio ar lwyddiannau'r grŵp trawsbleidiol dros y 12 mis diwethaf.

·         Enwebiadau ar gyfer swydd Cadeirydd y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol, Jayne Bryant AS wedi'u henwebu. Ni dderbyniwyd unrhyw enwebiadau eraill. Cynigiwyd Jayne Bryant gan Mike Hedges AS ac eiliwyd gan Peredur Griffiths AS. Etholwyd Jayne Bryant AS yn Gadeirydd.

·         Enwebiadau ar gyfer swydd Ysgrifennydd y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol, Diabetes UK Cymru wedi'u henwebu, bydd Mathew Norman yn cynrychioli Diabetes UK Cymru. Cynigiwyd DUK Cymru gan Mike Hedges AS ac eiliwyd gan Peredur Griffiths AS. Etholwyd Mathew Norman o DUK Cymru fel Ysgrifennydd.

·         Enwebiad ar gyfer swydd Is-gadeirydd y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol, Joel James AS. Ni dderbyniwyd unrhyw enwebiadau eraill. Cynigiwyd Joel James AS gan Mike Hedges AS ac eiliwyd gan Peredur Griffiths AS. Etholwyd Joel James AS yn Is-gadeirydd.

·         Diolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth AS yn ei rôl fel Is-gadeirydd y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol ar Ddiabetes a phob dymuniad da yn ei rôl newydd fel Arweinydd Plaid Cymru.

·         Reflection on achievements of the CPG over the past 12 months.

·         Nominations for the position of Chair of the CPG, Jayne Bryant MS has been nominated. No other nominations received. Jayne Bryant was proposed by Mike Hedges MS and Seconded by Peredur Griffiths MS. Jayne Bryant MS was elected Chair.

·         Nominations for the position of Secretary of the CPG, Diabetes UK Cymru has been nominated, Mathew Norman will represent Diabetes UK Cymru. DUK Cymru was proposed by Mike Hedges MS and Seconded by Peredur Griffiths MS. Mathew Norman from DUK Cymru was elected the Secretariat for the CPG on Diabetes.

·         Nomination for the position of Vice Chair of the CPG, Joel James MS has been nominated. No other nominations received. Joel James MS was proposed by Mike Hedges MS and Seconded by Peredur Griffiths MS. Joel James MS elected as Vice Chair.

·         Thanks to Rhun ap Iorwerth MS in his role as Vice Chair of the CPG on Diabetes and all the best in his new role as Leader of Plaid Cymru.


4.      Cyflwyniad Diabetes UK Cymru |Diabetes UK Cymru Presentation  (20 min)


·         Cyflwyniad gan Mathew Norman, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Diabetes UK Cymru, ar y cyhoeddiadau diweddar ar y Datganiad Ansawdd Diabetes ac ymgynghoriad Amgylcheddau Bwyd Cadarnhaol.

·         Presentation from Mathew Norman, Deputy Director of Diabetes UK Cymru, on the recent announcements on the Quality Statement and Positive Food Environments   


5.      C&B | Q&A (10 min)


·         Cwestiynau am y cyflwyniad.

·         Questions on the presentation.




6.      AoB


·         Mae Ymchwiliad y Grŵp Trawsbleidiol yn mynd rhagddo – croesewir argymhellion ar gyfer cyflwyniadau.

·         Safio'r Dyddiad, Digwyddiad Diabetes Senedd y Byd, Noson Tachwedd 14eg – Pierhead, 18:00 – 20:00

·         CPG Inquiry is ongoing – welcome recommendations for presentations and submissions.

·         Save the Date, World Diabetes Senedd Event, November 14th, Pierhead – 18:00 – 20:00  



7.      Cau |Close


·         Dyma ddyddiadau'r cyfarfodydd nesaf:

o   o 27 Medi 2023 – Ystafelloedd Seminar 1 a 2 Adeilad y Pierhead.


·         Ewch ag unrhyw fwyd dros ben yn ôl gyda chi i'r swyddfa/cartref

·         Next meeting dates are:

o   27th of September 2023 – Seminar Rooms 1 & 2 Pierhead Building.

·         Take any left-over food back with you to office/home